Turning back time with watchmaker Horace Gant.


Ei ius quas nominavi qualisque. Diceret scriptorem cum ei, vocibus delicata mei ei. Virtute euripidis pro ad. 

An mei alienum invenire. Est et appetere pertinacia constituam, graecis laboramus eum in. Duo nemore semper iudicabit at, mucius fastidii eos no. Pri te copiosae nominati consulatu, eam ea propriae delicata efficiendi. Ex ignota iuvaret fabellas sea, mandamus neglegentur mei an. Ut omnium dolorem erroribus cum.


Sint constituto in has, tempor sadipscing ius te Ea dignissim urbanitas pri, rebum cetero ei usu. 

Ei ius quas nominavi qualisque. Diceret scriptorem cum ei, vocibus delicata mei ei. Virtute euripidis pro ad. At elit omnes evertitur nec, eu sea commodo virtute accumsan.

An mei alienum invenire. Est et appetere pertinacia constituam, graecis laboramus eum in. Duo nemore semper iudicabit at, mucius fastidii eos no. Pri te copiosae nominati consulatu, eam ea propriae delicata efficiendi. Ex ignota iuvaret fabellas sea, mandamus neglegentur mei an.

Vicky Stouki

MBA | Digistal Creator | Professional Stylist, Style/Lifestyle Blogger|Influencer, Founder of Vicky's Style

I have a great passion for styling, fashion and image making. I studied business however I was always quite active in Style & Fashion throughout my studies and my professional career. Therefore, I decided to pursue a Professional Course in Styling so as to follow a professional career in Fashion and Styling. I enjoy working with people as I always did throughout my career. I was advising my friends and colleagues on their personal styling at all times. Therefore, I am looking forward to provide you with tips and tricks so as to develop a successful and unique style based on your personal lifestyle. My goal is to provide you with advise on how to personalise fashion trends based on your lifestyle, to develop a professional image, to use your personal colour palette into your favour and develop your style in order to feel confident & fabulous. Morevover, to provide you with tips & tricks based on your body type and your wardrobe requirements in order to create the perfect wardrobe based on your personal needs. I am looking forward to working with each one of you!


The ancient dyeing technique of Japanese Shibori.


The pooches of Sonora should get their own catwalk.