Κρατήσεις στο Heathrow Express με 20% έκπτωση!

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Κάντε την κράτηση σας online μαζί με κάθε αγορά σας για αεροπορικό εισιτήριο που αφορά το αεροδρόμιο Heathrow ή όποτε εσείς το επιθυμείτε από το airtickets.gr/heathrow-express 

Ταξιδέψτε με άνεση σε σύγχρονα κλιματιζόμενα βαγόνια του Heathrow Express, με μεγάλο χώρο αποσκευών, δωρεάν Wi-Fi, πλήρη κάλυψη κινητής τηλεφωνίας σε όλη την διαδρομή σας Heathrow - Λονδίνο / Λονδίνο - Heathrow και τηλεοπτικό πρόγραμμα με παγκόσμιες ειδήσεις και πρόγνωση καιρού. To Heathorw Express έχει στάσεις στα Terminals 1,2,3, Terminal 4 και Terminal 5 του αεροδρομίου Heathrow. 

Vicky Stouki

MBA | Digistal Creator | Professional Stylist, Style/Lifestyle Blogger|Influencer, Founder of Vicky's Style

I have a great passion for styling, fashion and image making. I studied business however I was always quite active in Style & Fashion throughout my studies and my professional career. Therefore, I decided to pursue a Professional Course in Styling so as to follow a professional career in Fashion and Styling. I enjoy working with people as I always did throughout my career. I was advising my friends and colleagues on their personal styling at all times. Therefore, I am looking forward to provide you with tips and tricks so as to develop a successful and unique style based on your personal lifestyle. My goal is to provide you with advise on how to personalise fashion trends based on your lifestyle, to develop a professional image, to use your personal colour palette into your favour and develop your style in order to feel confident & fabulous. Morevover, to provide you with tips & tricks based on your body type and your wardrobe requirements in order to create the perfect wardrobe based on your personal needs. I am looking forward to working with each one of you!


Παρίσι και Άμστερνταμ από 55€!


Ρώμη, Μιλάνο, καλύτερα από κοντά από €49